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Planning Board Minutes 2007/07/05

July 5, 2007

PRESENT:        Peggy Chalmers, Chairman
                Derek Tatlock
                Philip Porter
                Bruce Jennings
                Peter White, Alternate
                Michael Marquise, Town Planner
                Darlene Morse, Recording Secretary

ABSENT: Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman
                Allan Davis
                Emma Smith, Ex-Officio
                Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio
                Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator

OTHERS: George Neuwirt , Charlie Hirschberg, Chris & Carrie Humphrey, Judy Collins, Gale Schrag and Tom Fagio.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Peggy Chalmers at 7:07 PM.

1.  The minutes of the June 7, 2007 meeting were reviewed.  Motion was made by Philip Porter to approve the minutes as corrected.  The motion was seconded by Derek Tatlock.  The motion carried with 4 in favor and 1 abstention.

Chairman Chalmers asked alternate Peter White to vote in place of Barbara Hollander.


1.  Map 133, Lot 94 – Mary Ann Henry (George Neuwirt), Woodbine Review – Conceptual Plans:  Charlie Hirschberg

Charlie Hirschberg was present along with George Neuwirt to present the proposal.  C. Hirschberg explained that George Neuwirt is purchasing the Woodbine Cottage from Mary Ann Henry.  He plans on using the building for his contracting office and eventually his residence.  G. Neuwirt plans on rehabilitating a portion of the existing building and removing some of the building on the back.  George Neuwirt spoke and stated that he plans to preserve the main core of the building over the foundation.  The existing solarium will be torn down.  He would like to create a walk through show room that would display everything a person would need when building a home.  Bruce Jennings asked if retail was allowed in this district.  Michael Marquis replied that it was.  Discussion was held on parking.  C. Hirschberg stated that there will be parking on site,
Planning Board
July 5, 2007

but that parking also exists in the harbor.  He stated that where the building is located, it is hoped that people who are walking through the harbor may spot the store and visit it.  Michael Marquise stated that the parking requirement may be reduced because of the availability of parking in the harbor.  Bruce Jennings stated that he would like to see more parking on site.  Peter White agreed and stated that he hopes G. Neuwirt would get as many spaces as allowed on the lot.  Michael Marquise stated that the site could allow 7 to 9 parking spaces.  George Neuwirt informed the Board that he may employ 4 people at one time.  There will be no large equipment parked on the lot; only his company pickups.  Bruce Jennings asked about on site selling.  G. Neuwirt responded that only orders will be taken and there may be some deliveries.  G. Neuwirt was asked if he would retain the name “Woodbine”.  He responded that he thought of calling the business “George Neuwirt Construction at the Sunapee Woodbine”.  He is hoping that the business will add an element to the harbor to make it more year round.   The building will consist of 1,700 sq. ft. with 900 sq. ft. as show room.  Peter White asked if the residence would be on site and attached.  G. Neuwirt stated that it would.  The Board recommended that G. Neuwirt apply for  Site Plan Review.

2.  Map 129, Lot 5 – Douglas Bourdon, 21 Lower Main St.:  Convert into a two family residence.

No one was present; therefore no action was taken.

3.  Map 125, Lot 59 – Chris & Carrie Humphrey; Construction of 3 cabins (16’x20’).

Chris & Carrie Humphrey were present to discuss their proposal.  They own property which is in both the Village and Rural Land Districts.  The majority of the property is out of the Village District.  Bed & Breakfast, Tourist Homes, Inns, Lodging & Boarding are allowed in the Village District but not in the Rural Land District.  They would like to build 3 cabins for rental purposes.  In the beginning it would be seasonal but may expand at some time.  There will be one cabin unit per acre.  Peggy Chalmers addressed the driveway issue.  It appears it will serve all buildings on the lot and asked if these would be considered dwellings.  Phil Porter asked if the buildings would be linked to the existing sewer system.  C. Humphrey replied that they would.  Michael Marquise stated that this could possibly fit as a cluster development.  He didn’t feel that there should be a problem if the driveway were considered a 16’ private road.  P. Porter asked if the buildings would be two story buildings.  C. Humphrey replied that lofts are planned.  Bruce Jennings raised discussion on amending the Zoning Regulations to allow uses of both districts when property is divided by districts.  Michael Marquise sated that the Humphrey’s could go before the Zoning Board to apply for a variance.  Discussion was held on possible subdivision of the property.  M. Marquise stated that the road would then have to be built to town specifications and feels that the Humphrey’s best idea would be to go to the Zoning Board to apply for a variance or apply to the Planning
Planning Board
July 5, 2007

Board for a cluster development.  Bruce Jennings suggested that M. Marquise consult with Town Counsel to see if he agrees with this.  Peter White stated that he agreed with M. Marquise.  C. Humphrey informed the Board that a covenant in his deed does not allow him to subdivide the property.  Michael Marquise stated that another way this proposal could be allowed is if the Planning Board proposes to amend the Zoning Regulations to allow this use in the Rural Land district.  The Humphrey’s will speak with Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator,  if they decide to apply for a variance.


1.  The Board signed the mylar of Whitney & Johnson.

2.  Discussion was held on the Charrette for the Old Town Hall held in June.  Michael Marquise reported that concerns were expressed about the cost of remodeling the building.  The most favored use for the Old Town Hall was for a new library.  

NOTE:  Any hearings now open and under consideration by this Board are continued to the next meeting of the Planning Board.

NOTE:  The above minutes represent a summary of, not a verbatim, of the tape.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

________________________________                _____________________________
Peggy Chalmers, Chairman                                           Barbara Hollander, Vice Chairman

________________________________                _____________________________
Allan Davis                                                         Philip Porter

________________________________                _____________________________
Bruce Jennings                                              Derek Tatlock

________________________________                _____________________________
Peter White, Alternate                                  Emma M. Smith, Ex-Officio

Frederick Gallup, Alt. Ex-Officio